domingo, março 29, 2009

Pôr-do-Sol no Pólo Norte

A imagem que se segue é um pôr-do-sol no Polo Norte, na altura em que a Lua está no seu ponto mais próximo do Sol.

Como podes ver, o Sol está abaixo da Lua.

É uma fotografia fantástica!

Bart's Blackboard

Teacher is not leper

in Lisa's First Word, Episode 69, Season 4

domingo, março 22, 2009

Strange Buildings - Part II: Hundertwasser Building "Waldspirale" - Darmstadt, Germany

The Hundertwasser house "Waldspirale" ("Forest Spiral") was built in Darmstadt between 1998 and 2000.

Friedensreich Hundertwasser, the famous Austrian architect and painter, is widely renowned for his revolutionary, colourful architectural designs which incorporate irregular, organic forms, e.g. onion-shaped domes.

Natural features of the landscape are expressed in this building: the layers of sedimental rock found underneath the site are reflected on the facade in bands of ceramic tiles and coloured stucco.

The roof of the altogether 12 floors is formed by a garden of beech, maple, and lime trees.

The structure with 105 apartments wraps around a landscaped courtyard with a running stream.

Up in the turret at the southeast corner, there is a restaurant, including a cocktail bar.

Hundertwasser died in February 2000, a few months before the building was completed.

Bart's Blackboard

A burp is not an answer

in Mr. Plow, Episode 68, Season 4

domingo, março 08, 2009

Fotos Famosas - Capítulo 11

"The Falling Man"

“The Falling Man” é o título de uma fotografia tirada por Richard Drew durante os atentados do 11 de Setembro de 2001 contra as torres gémeas do WTC.

Na imagem pode ver-se um homem que se atira de uma das torres.

A publicação do documento pouco depois dos atentados irritou certos sectores da opinião pública norte-americana.

Depois disto, a maioria dos meios de comunicação passou a censurar-se a si própria, preferindo publicar unicamente fotografias de actos de heroísmo e sacrifício.

Bart's Blackboard

I will not teach others to fly

in Marge Gets a Job, Episode 66, Season 4

domingo, março 01, 2009

Darwin Awards - Boner!

Named in honor of Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, the Darwin Awards commemorate those who improve our gene pool by removing themselves from it.

Here's one of the most recent stories:


2008 Darwin Award Nominee - Confirmed True by Darwin
2 February 2008, New York

A 50-year-old man was bird hunting in Upstate New York with his buddies and his faithful canine companion.
They stopped for a smoke, and his dog found a deer leg bone! The man tried to take the bone away, but like any right thinking dog, the animal would not relinquish its treasure. He stayed just out of reach.
Frustrated with this blatant show of disobedience, the man grabbed his loaded shotgun by the muzzle and began wielding it like a club. Each time he swung it, the dog dodged.

Suddenly the "club" struck the ground and fired, shooting the man in the abdomen.
He was airlifted to a nearby hospital, where he died from his injuries.
He did remain conscious long enough to confirm this account to police; otherwise, his poor friends might now be under suspicion!

At least he didn't hit the dog.

More stories in Don't miss it!

Bart's Blackboard

I will not bury the new kid

in Itchy & Scratchy: the Movie, Episode 65, Season 4