Though it looks like something out of a surrealist painting or a Disney cartoon - this is a real building.
This building is situated in Sopot, Poland.
It is an extension of the already existing shopping and service center which main entrance is at Haffnera 6 Street.
Most of all, this popular walking promenade is a meeting place of the Tri-City Bohemia, people looking for fun and joy.
There is a variety of romantic cafes, restaurants, shops and entertainment centers in this area.
Opened in 2004, the award winning, by Polish architects Szotynscy Zaleski it was inspired by the fairytale illustrations of Jan Marcin Szancer and the drawings of Jan Marcin Szancer and Per Dahlberg.
Arguably the most photographed object in Sopot, Centrum Rezydent’s 4,000m2 of luscious curves are topped with a roof of blue-green enameled shingles designed to give the impression of a dragon.
Colorful stained glass entrances, stone elevation decors and windows framed with sandstone make a great impression.
There is also an unusual roof covered with sheet metal with enamel roof tiles colored with green shades of blue and Parishian blue, which in the whole creates an illusion of dragon scales.
The building promises more from the outside than it actually delivers once you’ve entered.
Do as the tourists do and take a souvenir picture before moving onto one of the other choices on the strip.
I will not prescribe medicationin Lisa the Beauty Queen, Episode 63, Season 4
Os Icebergs da Antártida por vezes apresentam estrias, faixas formadas por camadas de gelo que reagem a diferentes condições.
As faixas azuis são criadas quando uma falha na folha de gelo é preenchida com água derretida que congela tão rapidamente que nem chega a formar bolhas.
Quando o iceberg cai no mar, a água salgada pode congelar na parcela inferior. Esta água, rica em algas, pode formar uma faixa esverdeada.
As faixas castanhas, pretas e amareladas, podem ser causadas por sedimentos, colectados enquanto o pedaço de gelo desliza na direcção do mar.
I will not defame New Orleansin Homer the Heretic, Episode 62, Season 4
"Espreitando a morte"
Em 1994, o fotógrafo Sudanês Kevin Carter ganhou o prémio Pulitzer de fotojornalismo com uma fotografia tirada na região de Ayod (uma pequena aldeia em Suam), que percorreu o Mundo inteiro.
A figura esquelética de uma pequena menina, totalmente desnutrida, vergando-se sobre a terra, esgotada pela fome, e prestes a morrer, enquanto num segundo plano, a figura negra e expectante de um abutre espera a morte da garota.
Quatro meses depois, castigado pela culpa e por uma forte dependência das drogas, Kevin Carter suicidou-se.
My name is not "Dr Death"in A Streetcar named Marge, Episode 61, Season 4
Named in honor of Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, the Darwin Awards commemorate those who improve our gene pool by removing themselves from it.
Here's one of the most recent stories:
Merry Pranksters(2008 Darwin Award Nominee - Unconfirmed by Darwin)
The telephone company was replacing above-ground telephone lines with buried lines. In one sparsely populated farming area, if lines crossed a country road they would dig a trench halfway across, so rural traffic could continue through. Then they would fill in the trench, and dig a trench on the other side.
One morning, local farmers called the sheriff to report a smashed-up pickup. Inside were two ranch hands who were last seen the previous night, heading home after last call. You see...
On their way to the bars, the men had decided to play a prank. They stopped their pickup, and moved the flashing warning signs from the trenched side to the good side of the country road. Crime scene analysis later confirmed that they were the culprits who moved the flashing stands. Investigations also revealed that at the time of the accident, they were driving at an excessive speed with an impressive amount of alcohol in their systems.
No crime scene analysis is capable of determining whether the ranch hands forgot their prank, or chose to see what would happen if they hit that trench at a high rate of speed in the middle of the night.
No good prank goes unpunished.
More stories in Don't miss it!
This punishment is not boring and pointlessin Kamp Krusty, Episode 60, Season 4